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Statement on the current press coverage about Yale CELI List | 01.03.2023

Yale CELI List of Companies Leaving and Staying in Russia


With the start of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine, the Yale School of Management compiled the business activities of around 1,200 international companies in Russia and evaluated them according to criteria it had set itself.


Originally, it was a simple list in which "withdraw" and "remain" were contrasted. Today, the list of companies consists of five categories, which grades the completeness of withdrawal according to a school grading scale from A to F.


Without prior contact, Zott dairy was placed in the worst category F on this list, which stands for "business as usual."


This classification is incorrect, as we have already stopped our goods deliveries to the Russian Federation in February 2022. Our Russian business has been discontinued and the liquidation of our company is in preparation. Accordingly, there can be no question of "business as usual".


Meanwhile the Yale School of Management corrected our classification and assigned us to the best category A.



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